Teaching series


Weak People, Powerful God

In our current series we are looking at the first part of 2 Corinthians.

Picture of people struggling to push a large rock up a hill, with God's finger helping.
5 Mar2 Cor 1:1-11Comfort in AfflictionDavid Stearn
12 Mar2 Cor 1:12-2:11Standing Firm in Faith, Joy and LoveDavid Stearn
19 Mar2 Cor 2:12-3:18Inadequate yet Competent and Confident in ChristJonathan Ryder
26 MarFocus Sunday
2 Apr2 Cor 4:1-18Glory Through ServingChris Tanton
7 AprGood Fridayn/a
9 Apr2 Cor 5:1-10A Permanent New Home (Easter Sunday)David Stearn
16 Apr2 Cor 5:11-6:2The Ministry of ReconciliationPaul Martin
23 AprFocus Sunday
20 Apr2 Cor 6:3-7:1Open and Clean HeartsDavid Stearn
7 May2 Cor 7:2-16Hospitable HeartsRory Simmons

The (Real) Lion King

In our previous series we looked at the book of Amos. You can listen to sermons in the series on our Sermons page.

8 JanAmos 1 & 2The Lord RoarsJonathan Ryder
15 JanAmos 3 & 4Family DisciplineMalcolm Wylie
22 JanFocus Sunday
29 JanAmos 5:1-17Seek the Lord and LiveDavid Stearn
5 FebAmos 5:18-6:14Righteousness or Religion? Concern or Complacency?Fiona Ryder
12 FebAmos 7 & 8Locusts, fire, a plumbline and a basket of fruitDavid Stearn
19 FebAmos 9Ultimate judgement and (beyond) ultimate restorationSteve Jones
The Real Lion King. Picture of a lion roaring Justice! Righteousness! Repentance! in the direction of Samaria

Listen to sermons from the current and previous series.

See our statement of faith.